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Model Specification (Deprecated)


The model specification will be deprecated and replaced by the PlayTorch API for JavaScript Interface (JSI).

A PlayTorch model consists of two components: (1) A model file saved for the PyTorch "lite" interpreter format; and (2) a JSON file with details on the model input and output types. The JSON file is stored within the model file itself as an extra_file of the model with the name model/live.spec.json.

Example of model with specification preparation:
from pathlib import Path

import torch
import torchvision
from torch.utils.mobile_optimizer import optimize_for_mobile

# Get the original PyTorch model and convert it to mobile-optimized
# TorchScript.
model = torchvision.models.mobilenet_v3_small(pretrained=True)
script_model = torch.jit.script(model)
script_model_opt = optimize_for_mobile(script_model)

# Read the live.spec.json file and embed it into the model file.
spec = Path("live.spec.json").read_text()
extra_files = {}
extra_files["model/live.spec.json"] = spec
script_model_opt._save_for_lite_interpreter("model_with_spec.ptl", _extra_files=extra_files)

The model/live.spec.json file is a valid JSON file that contains two objects: pack and unpack objects. It may also contain other root objects that will be used by both pack (input preprocessing) and unpack (model output post processing) functionality.

The JavaScript side calls the model to forward specifying a plain javascript object that contains $key members of predefined types (Image, double, integer, string).

model/live.spec.json contains "$key" stubs that will be replaced with the values from the specified JavaScript object.


"pack": {
"type": "tuple",
"items": [
"type": "tensor_from_image",
"image": "image",
"transforms": [
"type": "image_to_image",
"name": "center_crop",
"width": "$cropWidth",
"height": "$cropHeight"
"type": "image_to_image",
"name": "scale",
"width": "$scaleWidth",
"height": "$scaleHeight"
"type": "image_to_tensor",
"name": "rgb_norm",
"mean": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"std": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"type": "tensor",
"dtype": "float",
"sizes": [1, 3],
"items": [
"type": "tensor",
"dtype": "float",
"sizes": [
"items": [
"type": "tensor",
"dtype": "float",
"sizes": ["$rois_n", 4],
"items": "$rois"
"unpack": {
"type": "tensor",
"dtype": "float",
"key": "scores"

Respective JavaScript for this spec:

const {
result: {scores: scores},
inferenceTime: time,
} = await MobileModel.execute(modelInfo.model, {
image: image,
cropWidth: 448,
cropHeight: 448,
scaleWidth: 224,
scaleHeight: 224,
scale: 1.0,
rois_n: 3,
rois: [0, 0, 20, 20, 10, 10, 50, 50, 30, 30, 60, 60],
should_run_track: 0.0

Pack - Input preprocessing

The input processing required for the model is specified by pack object. Every object in pack has a type field, other fields are specific to that type.

Types supported for "pack"

  • tuple (currently supported on Android only)
    • items: array of the tuple items
  • scalar_bool (currently supported on Android only)
    • value: true or false
  • scalar_long (currently supported on Android only)
    • value: long value
  • scalar_double (currently supported on Android only)
    • value: double value
  • tensor (currently supported on Android only)
    • dtype: data type of the tensor ("float" or "long")
    • items: array of tensor data of specified dtype
  • tensor_from_image
    • image: JavaScript image object
    • transforms: array of chained transformations on the input image of type ImageTransform (see below)
  • tensor_from_string
    • tokenizer:
      • bert: Prepares tensor dtype=long of token ids using a BERT vocabulary. The vocabulary used to encode inputs must be stored in the top-level key vocabulary_bert in the spec JSON object. It should be a string with BERT tokens separated with \n.
      • gpt2: Prepares tensor dtype=long of token ids using a GPT2 vocabulary. The vocabulary used to encode inputs must be stored in the top-level key vocabulary_gpt2 in the spec JSON object. It should be a JSON object mapping from vocabulary terms to the corresponding tokenId.

Type ImageTransform

  • type: "image_to_image" or "image_to_tensor"
  • name: the name of transformation
  • additional parameters specific to the particular type and name

image_to_image type:

  • name: center_crop Crops from the center part of the image with specified width and height. parameters:
    • width: width of the result cropped image
    • height: height of the result cropped image
  • name: scale Scales input image to specified width and height. parameters:
    • width: width of the result scaled image
    • height: height of the result scaled image

image_to_tensor type:

  • name: rgb_norm The output is NCHW tensor from input image, normalized by specified mean and std. parameters:
    • mean: array of 3 float numbers with values of mean for normalization (one value per channel)
    • std: array of 3 float numbers with values of std for normalization (one value per channel)

Unpack - Output post-processing

The result of model post processing is a plain JavaScript object, referred to below as output_jsmap.

The unpack object is a recursive structure of objects of predefined types.

Types supported for "unpack"

  • tuple (currently supported on Android only)
    • items: An array of unpack objects, one per tuple item to unpack.
  • list (currently supported on Android only)
    • items: An array of unpack objects, one per list item to unpack.
  • dict_string_key (currently supported on Android only)
    • items: An array of objects of the form {"dict_key": <string value>} where each dict_key is a string key into a dictionary returned by the model. The unpacked values will be those entries in the dictionary specified by each dict_key.
  • tensor
    • key: key of the array of specified data type that contains tensor items in NCHW format.
    • dtype: data of the tensor "float" or "long"
  • scalar_long: (currently supported on Android only)
    • key: key of the long value in output_jsmap
  • scalar_float: (currently supported on Android only)
    • key: key of the double value in output_jsmap
  • scalar_bool: (currently supported on Android only)
    • key: key of the bool value in output_jsmap
  • string:
    • key: key of the string in output_jsmap
  • tensor_to_string: (currently supported on Android only)
    • key: key of the result string in output_jsmap
    • decoder: gpt2: Expects tensor of long data type containing tokenIds. The vocabulary used to decode results must be stored in the top-level key vocabulary_gpt2 in the spec JSON object. It should be a JSON object mapping from vocabulary terms to the corresponding tokenId.
  • bert_decode_qa_answer:
    • key: key of the result string in output_jsmap. The vocabulary used to decode results must be stored in the top-level key vocabulary_bert in the spec JSON object. It should contain a string with BERT tokens separated with \n.


"vocabulary_bert": "[PAD]\n[unused0]\n[unused1]\n[unused2]\n[unused3]\n[unused4]\n[unused5]\n...",
"pack": {
"type": "tensor_from_string",
"tokenizer": "bert",
"string": "$string",
"model_input_length": "$model_input_length"
"unpack": {
"type": "bert_decode_qa_answer",
"key": "bert_answer"
"vocabulary_gpt2": { "!": 0, "\"": 1, "#": 2, "$": 3, "%": 4, "&": 5, ... ,"<|endoftext|>": 50256},
"pack": {
"type": "tensor_from_string",
"tokenizer": "gpt2",
"string": "$string"
"unpack": {
"type": "tensor_to_string",
"decoder": "gpt2",
"key": "text"